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Configuration file


ATAC provides a flexible configuration system that allows you to tailor the application's behavior to your specific needs. By placing a atac.toml file in the application directory, you can customize various settings. All configuration keys are optional, so you can specify only those you need to change from their default values.


To apply these configurations, simply create or edit the atac.toml file in the application directory with your desired settings. ATAC will automatically read and apply these configurations on startup, allowing you to customize your experience seamlessly.

Configuration Options

Disable Syntax Highlighting

If you prefer to disable syntax highlighting, add the following line to your atac.toml configuration file:

disable_syntax_highlighting = true

Disable CORS

To disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), include this line in your atac.toml configuration file:

disable_cors = true

Set a Proxy

You can set HTTP and HTTPS proxies by adding the following section to your atac.toml configuration file:

http_proxy = ""
https_proxy = ""

Full Default Configuration File

Below is the full default configuration for ATAC. This can serve as a template for your custom configuration file:

disable_syntax_highlighting = false    
disable_cors = false

http_proxy = ""
https_proxy = ""